RED - #D20000
DARK - #2E2E2E
BLACK - #000000
H1 - Bebas Neue - 56px * 700FW
H2 - Bebas Neue - 44px * 700FW
H3 - Akshar - PM*FW
PHARAGRAPH LG - Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used in the graphic design and printing industries. The text is essentially gibberish, but looks like real words and sentences, making it useful for formatting and laying out printed materials. The text has been used since the 1500s, and its exact origin is unknown. The Latin words "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" are repeated throughout the text, which has been adapted over the years to include variations in sentence structure and length. Despite its nonsensical nature, Lorem Ipsum has become a ubiquitous part of the design world, and is often a familiar sight to anyone who has ever worked on a brochure, book, or website.
PHARAGRAPH - Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used in the graphic design and printing industries. The text is essentially gibberish, but looks like real words and sentences, making it useful for formatting and laying out printed materials. The text has been used since the 1500s, and its exact origin is unknown. The Latin words "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" are repeated throughout the text, which has been adapted over the years to include variations in sentence structure and length. Despite its nonsensical nature, Lorem Ipsum has become a ubiquitous part of the design world, and is often a familiar sight to anyone who has ever worked on a brochure, book, or website.